School Accounting Department


The accounting systems is administered and set for practical application of decision making process, control and liability, and ease of preparation of fiscal reports and categoricalaccounts.

All administrative implementations, in their terms of income and spending or any resultant positive or negative effect on the base fund, with all guarantees and liabilities concerning will be recorded in a pre-determined order, in order to provide reports to survey authorities andadministration.

The standards practiced in accounting records are that of international standards and single account style published in Turkish NationalGazette.


Insurance Scheme

All practices related to social security are commenced with Mersin SOCIAL SECURITY BODY(SGK).

All accounts are commenced with 285310201004745103307-04  social securitynumber.

All social security payments are installed on the last workday of the month via İş Bankası to Mersin SGKaccounts.

In our workplace wehave:

  • standardinsurance
  • retired insurance (monthly sustentionpayments)
  • foreign employee insuranceemployees.

All campus and facilities are under the insurance of Anadolu Insurance Company.All procedural accounts related to payments are kept by the accounting officeregularly.